The cover design/colour may be different to the picture but the contents are the same.
This book discusses 100 stories from the life of Hadhrat Uthman.
Originally compiled in Arabic by Sheikh Muhammad Siddeeq Minshawi.
This book highlights with valid, reliable, and authentic references; the lineage, family, birth, occupation, noble character, outstanding, personality, piety, righteousness, generosity, hospitality, dressing, physical appearance, Islam, Iman, difficulties endured, shyness, fear of Allah Ta’ala, kindness, justice, eradicating evil traits, marriages, justice, honouring family of Nabi, teaching methods, extension of Masjid Nabawi, simplicity and standardising the Quran.
Many doubts against the nobility of Hadhrat Uthman have been demolished and eradicated by this wonderful work.
May Allah grant us the ability to honour and defend the position, status and dignity of Hadhrat Uthman.
Binding: Paperback.
Authored by: Sheikh Muhammad Siddique Mishaawi.
Translation to English: Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias.
Publisher: Zam Zam.
Language: English.
Number of Pages: 93 with full references.
Weight: 120g approx.
Dimensions: 22 x 14 cm approx.
ISBN: 9789695831205.
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